This is a happy story, actually, and something of a cautionary tale! Aradia's horns were the first horns I ever made and saw through to completion. I had a bit of a mishap, trying to make some Karkat horns once, but they did not get very far and they were practice horns anyway. Aradia's horns are hard as hell to make because they are shaped weird, and I complicated matters by making the horns a lot bigger than they needed to be. I also hadn't figured out the spoon trick or the spackle trick, as they were both things I picked up from Lilly a lot later on in the process. At any rate, the Aradia horns were a learning process for me and did not come out looking very good. (I do NOT recommend them for beginners!) At one point, the Model Magic cracked all the way through to the tinfoil all the way around, and no amount of spackle or anything could fix it. (I hadn't realized that the Mod Podge would work as glue yet.) I ended up fixing the horn with masking tape an putting an edge of spackle around it. Another thing I learned is that it was VERY hard to sand something so fragile, and sanding made the cracks even worse, so there were parts of it that had to remain unsanded. Here are some pictures of the end result: ![]() ![]() ![]() The texture is just awful on these things. You can see where the edge of the masking tape is sticking up, and they have kind of a "weathered" look, which might be good on Equius, but not so much on Aradia. I was really worried about wearing the horns, but I didn't have the supplies or the time before the con to make new ones. (Or the patience!) But I did so anyway. Now let me show you some pictures of my (sadly unfinished) costume: ![]() ![]() ![]() These last two pictures were shot by Andrew Olexa. Thanks for the sweet photoshoot, Andrew! ![]() I don't actually know who any of these people are in this shot, except, you know, me. T_T Sorry. Wow! What do you know. The webcam shot is the only one you can see any texture issues on. Well, I'll be darned. It turns out that if you have some slight texture issues, chances are...nobody's going to notice. :) |